Vice President
Traffic Signal Design:
Performed the design and review of traffic signals throughout Lee and Collier County, FL and the Greater Chicagoland, IL area. These re-sponsibilities included signal warrants, traffic signal plans, Emergency Vehicle Preemption, Railroad Preemption, Traffic Signal Interconnect plans, contract specifications, and cost estimates. Provided construction ob-servation, layout and final inspection. Performed Resident Engineer work on signal construction projects for quality control, quantities and differing site conditions of traffic signal installations including: controller cabinet found-ations, span/mast arm installations, video detection devices, handholes/pull boxes and conduit locations
Traffic Impact Studies:
Performed and assisted in the preparation of traffic impact studies for various land uses. Land uses analyzed include, but are not limited to, shopping centers, medical buildings, office buildings, residential developments, industrial developments, churches, fast food restaurants, material recovery facilities, gas stations and mixed uses. Determined projected site traffic volumes using ITE Trip Generation Manual, conducted capacity analyses of critical intersections using the Highway Capacity Software (HCS) and SIGNAL 2000 software. Eval-uations of development plans in terms of traffic circulation to safely accommodate existing and proposed development traffic were conducted. Further responsibilities include geo-metric design, parking, signing and striping recommendations for proposed and surrounding roadways.
Street Lighting Design:
Mr. Fellows has significant experience in preparing street lighting plans, pursuant to criteria set forth by the Florida Department of Transportation, as well as, AASHTO and ANSI/IESNA RP-8-00. Experience includes both pole mounted and bridge deck mounted street lights, conducting photometric calculations, coordinating service point design and conductor wire determinations. Recent projects completed and/or currently under design include the Livingston Road Street Lighting, Metro Parkway Extension, Summerlin Road and Three Oaks Parkway Street Lighting.
Traffic Signal Systems:
Performed and assisted in the coordination of closed-looped signal systems in the Chicago Metropolitan area and Lee County, Florida. Responsibilities in-clude analyzing data and optimizing signal timings using PETRA, TURNS, SIGNAL 2000, HCS, PASSER II-90, PASSER III and SYNCHRO/Sim-Traffic computer programs. Additional responsibilities consist of determining benefits of coordinated signal systems including vehicle emissions, fuel consumption, travel time and delay by incorporating MVRAP and PC Travel and the Environmental Protection Agency’s vehicle and engine emission modeling software, MOBILE 6. Familiar with ECONOLITE, EAGLE, PEEK and TRACONEX controller features and corresponding software for in-office modem data transfer.
Traffic Control Justification Studies:
Performed traffic signal and stop sign justification studies for private developments as well as for public streets and local roadways. Conducted sight distance studies to determine the safest location of driveways and gap studies to determine the safety and efficiency of existing and proposed traffic control devices.
Parking Studies:
Conducted parking surveys to determine supply and demand of existing and proposed developments. Analyzed access, parking and circulation for regional shopping centers, office buildings and other uses. Conducted and supervised origin/ destination studies to determine vehicle travel characteristics through and around existing developments.
TR Transportation Consultants, Inc.
Vice President
May 2006 – Present
Metro Transportation Group Inc.
Sr. Design Engineer
2001 – April 2006
Sr. Transportation Consultant
2000 - 2001
Transportation Consultant
1995 - 2000
Valparaiso University
Valparaiso, Indiana
Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering
Professional Engineer, Florida
American Society of Civil Engineers, Member
Institute of Transportation Engineers, Associate Member
International Municipal Signal Association, (IMSA) Member
Certifications include:
- Work Zone Specialist
- Traffic Signal Inspector
- Traffic Signal Electrician II