Yury Bykau, P.E.
Project Consultant
Traffic Impact Studies:
Performed and assisted in the preparation of traffic impact studies for various land uses and development intensities. Land uses analyzed include, but are not limited to, shopping centers, medical buildings, office buildings, residential developments, industrial developments, schools, and mixed uses. Development intensities analyzed range from several hundred square feet up to over one million square feet. Determined projected site traffic volumes using ITE Trip Generation Manual and conducted capacity analyses of critical intersections using the Highway Capacity Software (HCS) and SYNCHRO©5 software. Evaluations of development plans in terms of traffic circulation to safely accommodate existing and proposed development traffic were conducted.
SYNCHRO Analysis:
Performed various types of analysis utilizing the SYNCHRO software including the analysis of intersections, corridors, and signal timing plans. Modified the existing Lee County signal system coordination SYNCHRO files to account for the addition of new developments, roadway corridors, and median openings. This included the manipulation of individual signal timings/phasings, bandwidths for the system, and cycle offsets in order to maintain acceptable Levels of Service and adequate vehicle queuing.
Mechanical Traffic Counts:
Performed and managed mechanical traffic count operations, which utilize JAMAR count boards and PETRA software. This includes pedestrian counts as well as turning movement counts.
Parking Studies:
Performed parking lot safety studies and determined safer alternative designs. Also analyzed existing parking facilities identified internal deficiencies and made recommendations for improvement.
Accident Analysis:
Performed accident analysis and created collision diagrams for high-crash intersections. Utilized collision diagrams to redesign problem intersections to operate safer.
TR Transportation Consultants, Inc.
Project Consultant
June 2017– Present
Florida Gulf Coast University
Fort Myers, Florida
Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering
Institute of Transportation Engineers,
Associate Member